About CARe
CARe is an automotive car care health application, that will help the user maintain a healthy car, do quick repairs themselves, understand basic pricing of components of the vehicle, and recommend nearby shops that are reliable and safe for the user to have a comfortable experience. 

The Problem
The problem that CARe is designed to solve, is that so many people have at least one thing wrong with their car. CARe is designed to allow the user to solve the problem of having the anxiety and uncertainty of taking your vehicle to the mechanic shop, to relieve stress and frustration of doing simple fixes yourself without a step by step process, and friendly reminders of car health maintenance. 

User Personas

Amber Ludwig is a 21 year old med student that currently lives in Dallas, Texas. She's a med student with little to none car knowledge, if something goes wrong with her vehicle, her dad or brother isn't nearby to help her with her Vehicle. She is wanting to know nearby pricing of mechanic shops, and possible DIY videos to help her with step by steps process would be very helpful.

Benjamin Chapman is a 23 year old student that is focusing on graduate school and work. He has some mechanical knowledge, and knows how to do some basic car repairs. He would love something to inform him with car health maintenance, and to show information on regarding his own vehicle.​​​​​​​
Point Of Views
Benjamin is a 24 year old graduate student at TCU that focuses a lot of his time to his studies. He uses his car daily, maintains basic car routine checkups, but he has been trying to find a way to figure out how to manage his maintenance routines, and have the ability to do simple fixes on his vehicle with ease.
Amber is a 21 year old undergrad med student at UNT HSC. Her car is her life, as it is her main source of transportation from her home to school. Amber has a lot on her mind, and sometimes her car maintenance slips her mind. She has been trying to find a way to have constant reminders of simple routine maintenance on her vehicle, while being comfortable enough to take it to a mechanic shop without having her dad or brother nearby.
Journey Map
Design Concept
We will design an experience that is immersive and educational to help assist our users complete simple repairs for your car with steps / videos, be aware of important information regarding car health, and comparing reliability and pricing of nearby mechanic shops with basic information of what is being repaired. So that busy workers, students, or people with not much car knowledge, can fix or take their car to the shop with certainty and feel comfortable.
How Might We?
How might we reduce anxiety for our user, if something is wrong with their vehicle?

How might we display proper information to help the user understand what is going on with their vehicle?

How might we give assurance to the user that they are picking the right shop, without being scammed?

How might we give the user the ability to properly learn the steps in trying to repair their vehicle?
Low-Fi Wireframes
These low fidelity wireframes are designed to guide the user through a friendly experience. This is a simple interface with an onboarding process that is designed

These low fidelity wireframes are designed to guide the user through a friendly experience. This is a simple interface with an onboarding process that is designed so that the CARe app is catered to the user and so that they can have tutorials catered to them, and their specific vehicle. As you proceed they will move onto the dashboard where they can further view their vehicle in an interactive diagram and diagnose the problem, with. a step by step process on how to fix and recommended nearby shops. 

High-Fi Wireframes
User Feedback and Testing

Based off of user feedback and testing from Tatum, I have made my first iteration from the prototyping phase. In this instance the changes that have been made, were to provide more information in the garage screen. As you can see in the image, the garage screen just had a list of the vehicles that you own, but now with the new iteration the garage screen now provides basic information, with upcoming oil change information. 

Continuing with user feedback and testing, Lexi has suggested to add an information rule. By adding this rule, it will indicate what vehicle component you are clicking, and will provide a name and information regarding the part. Without this suggestion, the user wouldn't know the exact part they are picking, so this was a very helpful.

The last iteration that was made was the warning screen. The warning screen was added to provide a warning if you wished to continue for the user if the DIY was out of their level of expertise and to go straight to the recommended shops that are nearby.

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